Naturopathy provides holistic healthcare by taking the whole person (body, mind & spirit) into account. It has been practised for centuries and is based on traditional philosophies and complements modern medicine well. Naturopathic practitioners utilise various tools and techniques, Advice will focus on diet and lifestyle and herbal medicine, homeopathy and nutritional supplements can be recommended as well. Naturopathic care addresses the individual needs of each client.
The 7 Principles of Naturopathy
- First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
- Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae) Treat the Cause (tollecausam)
- Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum) Doctor as Teacher (docere)
- Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- Wellness
What happens in a naturopathic consult?
- Comprehensive case taking, collecting info about health history, diet, lifestyle and family history
- Nail & Tongue assessment, iridology
- Some naturopaths use other tools, such a bio resonance, life blood analysis etc If needed – requests for laboratory tests
- Give recommendations and remedies (as per individual need)
I do offer free 15 minute discovery calls, if you would like to find out if naturopathy could help you.